The only monitoring platform designed for technology leaders

Track your data, infrastructure, apps, KPIs, users, and everything else you care about in one place


Be one step ahead of cloud costs and all your technical issues.

Monitor data, ML accuracy, Product KPIs, uptime, crons, database rows, the only limit is your creativity.

You wil never have to ask your team for status checks again.

Your engineers will have their monitoring in too many places for you check. Save time and stress by getting an overview in one place.

Join other businesses that trust us with their monitoring

Fed Ex Uber
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Easily make monitoring part of everything you build. will let you setup simple processes so that you know the details of everything being released. Even potential costs and disruption to your existing architecture.

Issue analysis lets you know where to focus to gain the most benefit.

Monitor anything, the only limit is your creativity App preview

Simple integration

With simple code integration, you will have full control over what you send. No setup or waiting for infrastructure to be configured. Designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing machine learning infrastructure.

Click here to view the quick start in the documentation

What People Are Saying

People like you are doing amazing things with

Daniel Whitlock, Engineering Manager
"I did not realise how insightful timing code could be. You have to try it."

This really helps me plan ahead, know where to focus, as well as getting earlier warnings of issues than I have ever had before.

David Fernandez, Director of Data Science
"HawkFlow honestly beats all other MLOps solutions that I have tried."

I can monitor any part of my model creation and accuracy. We found new issues within days that we knew nothing about.

Noah Weatherby, Group Product Manager
"I did not know tools like this existed."

It is so simple to use, I have managed to track all kind of customer activity that I did previously had no visibility on. Combine that with all the automatic alerts, it really is amazing.

Get started with today and
make monitoring part of your development process.